march 1998
note that links on this page are no longer guaranteed to work due to the redesign of the site
A brand new Sega Master System emulator, Miracle, has just been released by Richard Talbot-Watkins and Matthew Godbolt. This runs at full speed even on slower Acorn machines, and has full sound - download it now!
| Destiny is in the final stages of production now - the desktop front-end has just
been completed and the first batch of packaging has arrived (apparently in a 1m x 1.6m
box!). The author, Robert Templeman, has not
yet decided whether to take a stand at the Wakefield Acorn Spring Show 1998
| Artex inform me that the demo of Ankh is now complete but still contains a few small bugs which
they are in the process of ironing out - so keep an eye out for this next week!
R-Comp have announced the availability of an Acorn
port of DeHackEd, freely available from their web site. This allows you to make changes to how their Acorn port of Doom runs, altering such things as weapon damage and monster attributes
| R-Comp have also announced an upgrade to version 1.01 of their Acorn release of Doom. This fixes various sounds and graphics
problems which apparently only affected first issue Risc PCs. Contact R-Comp to obtain the upgrade
| The copyright-infringing game Bubble Impact is now available for purchase in the UK,
despite some graphics and sounds lifted without modification from original Taito games.
The game costs £4.50 from Owl-Art Un-Ltd
| The demo of Ankh will shortly be downloadable from the Stuttgart University FTP site (Germany), which is
mirrored at Imperial College (UK) - if it's not yet available try again in a day or two's time (still not available as of 18/2/98)
| Anyone with the free C compiler GCC can download and compile their own Acorn version
of Doom now, thanks to Andreas Dehmel, who has released an archive containing patches for the freely downloadable LinuxDoom 1.10 sourcecode for Doom. Installation is claimed to be almost fully automatic - all you need to
do is download the requisite bits and pieces and then run them. The port claims to use
lots of assembler optimisations to "speed things up enormously". It even works
on A5000s, and will take advantage of a ColourCard if you have one. Have a look at http://www.forwiss.tu-muenchen.de/~dehmel/DIY.html for all the details
| A demo of Artex's Exodus can be downloaded
now from German dealer ACE's web pages,
although it should be available from a UK site soon too (Artex are in the process of
changing their web pages service provider)
The promised demo of Artex's eagerly-awaited graphical adventure game Ankh has just been confirmed for release within "the next few days"
With the latest round of casualties of the involuntary redundancies at Acorn including
the driving force behind Acorn's recent interest in games development, Kevin Lingley,
it is now unclear what the precise status of projects such as WipeOut 2097 is; it
is also likely that some other games-based projects under development may now sever
their direct connections with Acorn
Psygnosis's world-famous WipeOut 2097 is being ported to Acorns - this superb, futuristic 3D-racing game, in which the vehicles hover above the track, looks like being the first product of Acorn's new commitment to games
| Original Acorn Doom-clone Destiny's revised release date puts it less than one month away, although it has resolutely failed to meet earlier release dates
The superb Exodus is now available in German
as well as English - German distribution is by ACE. Also, if you bought the game at Acorn World then you should download
a minor bug fix upgrade from Artex's web pages
...this page last updated: 6/2/99...
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