july 1999
Alex Macfarlane Smith has produced a large number of patches to allow older games to work on StrongARM machines - go to his website to see the list and to download them. Games fixed include Lemmings 2, Cannon Fodder and Flashback.
| Doom It Yourself, the free version of Doom you have to compile yourself, has been updated once again, with the latest version featuring transparency amongst other new options. Version 3.4 also offers improved clipping and full compatibility with LinuxDoom demos, as well as other fixes.
| There are some interesting 1K and 4K games available on the website of a competition to write very short programs, CodeCraft. BitStretcher is an amusing puzzle (it is possible!), Othello is easy to beat but still fun and Wimpory is a nice desktop memory game, whilst X is a full-blown multi-level puzzle game. They're all very quick to download, too, of course! Finally, you must download MiniPet - it's the cutest desktop toy ever. Ever! You can run lots of them, too.
Richard Wilson has released for free a partially complete game in the Thrust ilk which he started writing a a year or so ago but never got round to finishing. Download it from his website
| If you're trying to get old games such as Zool or Paradroid to work on a Risc PC then check out Darren Salt's website for some downloadable patches
| Martin Piper has publically acknowledge for the first time what everyone else already knew - namely that he will probably never get round to finishing his port of Quake. He stated that "Real work got in the way which meant I did not have the time to do any other kind of work" and also referred to "various health reasons". He said that he would release the work he has completed into the public domain at some point in the future.
| Ivan Nedrehagen has appealed for help with the provision of sound and/or music for a new game he has been working on, Inka. It's a simple top-down puzzle game but it looks like it might be fun when complete - if it can be speeded up a bit, anyway! If you're interested in helping with sound (or graphics, even - see a screenshot) then send Ivan an email
| After at long last finally receiving a 100% finished copy of the new £15 game Botkiller 2, find out what Acorn Gaming thinks of it in
the full review
| Eddie Edwards has made the source code for the Acorn version of Wolfenstein 3D available for free download from his Powerslave Software website. The website also says that he's working on a new game for PC and Acorn, due late 1999 - a 2D-shoot'em'up called Nigiri.
june 1999 news
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