Title: Demon's Lair (£26)
Isometric arcade adventure with graphics which are so poor that
you know immediately it must be a 4th Dimension game..
Links: None
Supplier: 4th Dimension
Players: 1
Type: Arcade adventure
Needs: 2MB OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: Yes SA: ?
Title: Descent (£30)
Truly 3D game where you must fly a craft through all manner of twisting, complex mazes whilst destroying copious alien ships. You need a good sense of direction! Note that it will actually run on an ARM710 so long as you have at least RISC OS 3.7
Links: Review: Overview
Supplier: R-Comp Interactive
Players: 1
Type: 3D explore-and-shoot
Needs: 8MB HD CD OS 2: No OS 3: No RPC: No SA: Yes
Title: Diggers
Upgrade for StrongARM compatibility may be available from
Uffenkamp Computer Systems for £10 if you send them the original discs
Links: None
Supplier: Millennium
Players: 1
Type: Strategy
Needs: OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: No SA: No, but see comments above
Title: Dominate
Dominoes-type puzzle game
Links: None
Supplier: Unknown
Players: 1
Type: Puzzle
Needs: OS 2: ? OS 3: ? RPC: ? SA: StrongGuard
Title: Doom (£32.50)
Excellent Acorn version of this classic game, supplied with three CD-ROMs of level files, including all the original episodes for both Doom and Doom 2. Needs ARM3 or above. Also see Doom+
Links: Review: Overview
Supplier: R-Comp Interactive
Players: 1
Type: 3D explore-and-shoot
Needs: 4MB HD CD OS 2: No OS 3: Yes RPC: Yes SA: Yes
Title: Doom + (£32.50)
Improved version of Acorn Doom. The addition of a picture-in-picture automap and transparencies plus various additional configuration abilities are really cool, and there are also lots of bug-fixes and improvements over the original version. Well worth the £10 upgrade fee. Supplied by default if you buy Doom as new
Links: None
Supplier: R-Comp Interactive
Players: 1
Type: 3D explore-and-shoot
Needs: 4MB HD CD OS 2: No OS 3: Yes RPC: Yes SA: Yes
Title: Dragon Ball (£15)
Badly designed Arkanoid clone. Go for either the PD Arkanoid or Fireball 2 instead.
Links: None
Supplier: TBA
Players: 1
Type: Bat'n'ball
Needs: OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: Game On SA: No
Title: Dreadnoughts (£35)
Links: None
Supplier: Turcan Research Systems
Players: 1
Type: Strategy
Needs: OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: Game On SA: ?
Title: Dreadnoughts - Bismarks (£18)
Links: None
Supplier: Turcan Research Systems
Players: 1
Type: Strategy
Needs: OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: Game On SA: ?
Title: Dreadnoughts - Ironclads (£18)
Links: None
Supplier: Turcan Research Systems
Players: 1
Type: Strategy
Needs: OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: Game On SA: ?
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