Sumisu San

News Updates

12ththJuly 2001
Complete rewrite of Sumisu San.
New Menu structure being written.
Bad guys can throw knives now.
Another level added.
Bug fixes.

Sumisu San




One of the unfinished GEK Programs games we bought. A small fighting game with addictive measures. Nicely polished just lacking in levels and graphics for the moment. It reminds me of a BBC game that I can't remember the name of but anyway, I've played it lots even though it is short of levels.

Much more improvements are now on the drawing board to spruce up the game and to make alterations to the present intro screens. The game as was merely allowed for kicking opponents but this got too monotonous so we are introducing other methods of attack from the player and the bad guys.

Alpha Screenshots
Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2
Original Screenshot Jump to your hearts content
Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4
Replacement possible menu Another level
Screenshot 5 Screenshot 6
Introduction of knife throwing ninjas My Bad Dude



   improvements :
  guys throw knives
  other little things that are probably unnoticeable
  structural improvements


   improvements :
  2 player option
  punching added
  less bugs
  another level

  so basically a total rewrite

  This is the first release of Sumisu San. This is an unfinished
  version with only 4 scenario's ( 20 levels ) instead of 5 scenario's
  ( 25 levels ). There are several errors in the game.


More emphasis has been put onto the actual game so cost is low down on the agenda. However, it ain't gonna be too expensive. We are unsure at this time whether we will be releasing it ourselves.


Sumisu San will run on any RISC PC with 1Mb of VRAM. We are engaging in testing for the RiscStation but it already looks likely that that will work as well.

Test computers used:

Unproven but likely candidates:

This is a single and a multi player game.

Web-site is © 1998-2001 Visions Of The Impossible
All graphics are © Nathan Atkinson 1998-2001

If you have any comments/questions regarding VOTI then please e-mail: